Today we went to Cadereyta to work on the church there. Cadereyta is what they call a squatter’s village that was along a river and the government moved them to an area outside of town. It’s an area with houses built of cinder blocks and dirt roads. There is no plumbing or running water. They fill jugs from cisterns. They have only recently been provided electricity.
Many of the children who arrive at children’s homes come from these areas. B2B is helping a pastor and his family with the ministry to these people. Their hope is that through support and encouragement, these families will stay in tact and the cycle of children being abandoned will be broken.
We spent the day working and playing with the kids. Then we had an outreach where we served the kids oranges and cookies.
The baby in the bucket lives in the house next to the church. His parents are so proud of him. He was just hanging out in a bucket of water trying to keep cool. They do not have much by worldly standards but they are an intact family filled with love and joy.
Here are a few pictures of our team working…
Rhonda Ruth and Kendall (Emily is the intern on the ladder)
(Hey Carlos, Diana has a future in construction!)